Saturday, December 09, 2006

I am SO bored! It's the holiday season and I have a party to go to tonight - it's at the firm partner's house and he and his wife are throwing it in their post-modern monstrosity in the hills. I mean isn't it enough that I work for these people all week long and now they want me to reserve a weekend night for them too?? I wouldn't go except that it's usually pretty good food. Plus, how often do you get to go and get drunk and sick and throw up in their bathroom! Well, I haven't done that, but someone I know did last year. And the year before, one of the poor associates who got drunk decided that she would do a little strip tease. I was drunk too and egged her on. That wasn't such a good idea. In retrospect.

I don't know what to wear and don't want to wear anything holiday-ish. I'll probably wear all black - my goth outfit. If I had time to go shopping today, that would have been a good idea but I don't and I just feel in a funk and am sitting here, looking outside my apartment window and thinking BLAH. The holidays are the worst form of misery there is.

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